Curiosity, Design & Innovation for Development.

I’ve been travelling up peaks and through valleys in an effort to think, design, and develop differently. What might interest you here are stories from the field from my perspective and from those whom I am learning alongside. Learn more about what started it all at the button below.

Hi, I’m Emilie.

Tap into what I’ve been learning and unlearning. Some reflections on prior work, my digital nomad chapter in South America, topical issues in Uganda and East Africa, and emerging issues and themes in the international development space. Join me along the peaks and valleys.

Stories From the Field

Not into reading? That’s okay, a picture does say 1000 words after all. Take a peak at my most recent adventures through these photo compilations.

Photo Journal

"The brilliance of the stars would be invisible without the vast darkness of space behind them. Do not wish away the difficult portions of life. They provide the contrast needed to appreciate the joyful moments."

- James Clear

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